Wednesday, July 23, 2014

DTZ6 Interview!!

Quick update this week!  Alec and I are starting to kick the production of DTZ6 up!  Both of us are really committed to getting this out by the end of the summer!  One of the more daunting tasks on my list of DTZ6 to-dos is the transcribing of an interview that I did at Stern HQ.  There, I got to talk to Jody Dankberg, Steve Ritchie, Mark Galvez, George Gomez, and Gary Stern.  Phew!  Not everything will make it into the issue, but I'm going to be transcribing it for posterity.

Ha ha, that's right, I'm old school!  I got this audio recorder in college, and it has served me well ever since!  If I can digress for a second, I just want to stress that this recorder is the Roles Royce of audio cassette recorders: the Sony TCM-210DV Voice Recorder!  JUST LOOK AT THIS THING!  You can change the speed that you record and play back content!  You can change the recording setting to double so that you get double the millage out of your audio cassettes!  There is a pause switch that allows you to pause either your recording or your playback.

In summary, the recorder is cool, and transcribing the interview has been a lengthy process.  The highlight was easily when I realized that the meeting between me and George Gomez was captured here ON TAPE.  NERD.  OUT.

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